Mad Tower Tycoon

Mad Tower Tycoon

Format: PCCD
Publisher: Toplitz Productions
Genre: Simulation
SRP: £14.99
Itemcode: PCOESITPL34001
EAN: 9120083340013
Street Date: 15/12/2020
Stock Availability:

Short Supply

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Mad Tower Tycoon - screenshot} Mad Tower Tycoon - screenshot} Mad Tower Tycoon - screenshot} Mad Tower Tycoon - screenshot} Mad Tower Tycoon - screenshot}


In “Mad Tower Tycoon” you have the freedom to build a 100 story skyscraper and include the elements you want to make it succeed; restaurants, cinemas, underground garages or even a zoo. Satisfy potential visitors by choosing the best attractions for your winning plan. In “Mad Tower Tycoon” you have the freedom to build a 100 story skyscraper and include the elements you want to make it succeed; restaurants, cinemas, underground garages or even a zoo. Satisfypotential visitors by choosing the best attractions for your winning plan.